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Il contributo che potete dare all’Associazione mettendo le vostre competenze a disposizione è importante e ci aiuterà nel perseguimento dei nostri scopi associativi e quindi nell’organizzazione di mostre, eventi, workshop, percorsi educativi e residenze d’artista.
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Causale: Sostegno a favore dell’Associazione Areacreativa42
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Areacreativa42 si impegna perché i principi del Child Protection Policy (CPP) siano rispettati. Ha adottato una Child Protection Policy e un Codice di condotta. Il protocollo di comportamento si riferisce alla Convenzione ONU sui diritti dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza, alle linee guida internazionali del CERV, a quelle del Garante dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza secondo la normativa italiana che tutela e promuove i diritti delle persone di minore età, proclamati a livello internazionale e alle linee guida del Garante della privacy.
Nelle attività con minori sono coinvolti docenti e volontari guidati da docenti, che hanno formazioni adeguate e comprovate. L’associazione ha predisposto un documento che riassume il codice di condotta che è sottoscritto dai collaboratori. Il settore didattica è diretto da Giulia Chiono, psicologa, psicoterapeuta esperta nello sviluppo dei bambini e adolescenti.
Areacreativa42 is committed to keeping children safe.
A42 promotes effective actions aimed to ensure children wellbeing and protection, focusing on the prevention of physical and mental abuses and all forms of violence against children.
A42 recognizes that all A42 Managers, Employees, Associates and Representatives and those of partner organizations coming into contact with children have a fundamental duty of care towards them. A42 condemns all forms of abuse and violence against children that can be perpetuated outside and inside the organization.
A42 Child protection Policy is grounded on
- – A42mission, vision and values;
- – A42 Child protection Policy the UN Child Rights Convention (Art. 19);
- – General Comment No. 13 (2011) of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child – the right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence;
- – Keeping children Safe Coalition Child Protection Standards.
- Children involved in any A42directly implemented as well as supported Action, in Italy, in Europe and in Developing Countries;
- A42 Managers, Employees, Associates and Representatives in A42 facilities, programmes,
- Partner organizations’ staff, associates and representatives;
- Sponsors, Donors, and visitors;
- Teachers involved in A42 programmes;
- External contractors and consultants who provide services;
In line with the UNCRC, for the purposes of the present Policy, a child means every human being below the age of eighteen years. (UNCRC)
In line with WHO definitions, child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power. Physical abuse is defined as those acts that cause actual physical harm or have the potential for harm. Sexual abuse is defined as those acts where a perpetrator uses a child for sexual gratification. Emotional abuse includes the failure of a caregiver to provide an appropriate and supportive environment, and includes acts that have an adverse effect on the emotional health and development of a child. Such acts include restricting a child’s movements, denigration, ridicule, threats and intimidation, discrimination, rejection and other non-physical forms of hostile treatment.
Neglect refers to the failure of a caregiver to provide for the development of the child in one or more of the following areas: health, education, emotional development, nutrition, shelter and safe living conditions.
This policy is set up by a set of principles that are derived from the UNCRC and from the Comment No. 13 (2011) of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, and includes:
– No violence against children is justifiable; all violence against children is preventable;
– A child rights-based approach to child caregiving and protection requires a paradigm shift towards respecting and promoting the human dignity and the physical and psychological integrity of children as rights-bearing individuals rather than perceiving them primarily as “victims”;
– The concept of dignity requires that every child is recognized, respected and protected as a rights holder and as a unique and valuable human being with an individual personality, distinct needs, interests and privacy;
– Children’s rights to be heard and to have their views given due weight must be respected systematically in all decision making processes, and their empowerment and participation should be central to child caregiving and protection strategies and programmes;
– The right of children to have their best interests be a primary consideration in all matters involving or affecting them must be respected, especially when they are victims of violence, as well as in all measures of prevention.
The Child Protection Policy applies to all A42 Managers, Employees, Associates and Representatives who must comply with its requirements. In addition, A42 Child protection policy applies to all A42 partner organizations’ staff and representative
Legge 124/2017 e s.m.i.
Obbligo di pubblicazione dei contributi incassati da Pubbliche Amministrazioni
Anno 2019
Denominazione della Pubblica Amministrazione che ha accreditato il contributo | Somma incassata | Data di incasso | Causale di incasso |
Regione Piemonte | 4320 | 28/10/2029 | 2019/ALG/2019/11875/ALG/A2003A/14476/01 |
Regione Piemonte | 7500 | 11/04/2019 | 2019/ALG/2019/3350/ALG/A2003A/4015/01 |
Comune di Rivarolo C.se | 4250 | 27/05/2019 | Delibera G.C. n. 250 del 22/11/2018 acconto |
Comune di Rivarolo C.se | 3600 | 15/04/2019 | Delibera G.C. del 08/04/2018 |
Comune di Rivarolo C.se | 4250 | 23/09/2019 | Delibera G.C. n. 250 del 22/11/2018 saldo |
Comune di Rivarolo C.se | 1500 | 25/11/2019 | Delibera G.C. n. 249 del 8/11/2019 acconto |
Anno 2020
Denominazione della Pubblica Amministrazione che ha accreditato il contributo | Somma incassata | Data di incasso | Causale di incasso |
Regione Piemonte | 4680 | 21/10/2020 | 2020/ALG/2020/10565/ALG/A2003B/14403/01 |
Comune di Rivarolo C.se | 1500 | 06/03/2020 | Delibera G.C. 249 del 8/11/2019 saldo |
Comune di Rivarolo C.se | 5000 | 08/04/2020 | Delibera G.C. 135 del 2/11/2019 saldo |
Consiglio Regionale | 1000 | 26/05/2020 | Mandato 6220200-0001171 |